New Board of Traffic and Parking Selected
City of Cambridge
Executive Department
City Manager
January 9, 2023
To the Honorable, the City Council:
I am writing to inform you of my appointment of Vivek Sikri, Kimberly Kaufman, and Kathryn Carlson to the Cambridge Traffic Board pursuant to Chapter 455 of the Acts of 1961 (the "Special Act"). The Traffic Board hears petitions brought before it regarding the adoption, alteration, or repeal of rules and regulations relating to vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the City's streets and the movement, stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles on, and their exclusion from, streets, ways, highways, roads, and parkways under the control of the City. The Traffic Board also provides advice and consultation to the City's Traffic Director. Mr. Sikri will be appointed to a one-year term, Ms. Kaufman will be appointed to a two-year term, and Ms. Carlson will be appointed as Chair to a three-year term.
The City Manager's office posted a request for applications for the Traffic Board on the city website and it was also publicized on the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department website. A press release about this posting was sent to local media and to local business and neighborhood associations. An email regarding this posting was sent to approximately 16,000 subscribers on the City's daily email list. It was also publicized on the city's social media platforms.
The City Manager's office received seventy-five applications for the Traffic Board between October 24 - November 21, 2022. Throughout the screening and interview process, City staff prioritized identifying potential board members who were 1) willing participate in a collaborative process with other Board members, 2) consider diverse ideas and perspectives with empathy and respect, and 3) understood stated City Council priorities around creating a safe, sustainable transportation system for all users.
The three board members bring a range of experience within the Cambridge community and professionally to their new roles. Vivek Sikri is an engineer and entrepreneur who has lived in Cambridgeport for twenty years. An immigrant from India, he has lived in the Boston/Cambridge area for thirty years and is involved as a volunteer at his daughter's school. Kimberly Kaufman is a high school teacher who has lived in Cambridge for over thirty years, primarily in the Wellington-Harrington Neighborhood. She has served in a variety of volunteer and leadership roles in the Cambridge Public Schools. Kathryn Carlson is an East Cambridge resident who is currently the Executive Director of the Rappaport Institute, which focuses on the public policy challenges in Greater Boston.
I appreciate Mr. Sikri, Ms. Kaufman, and Ms. Carlson's willingness to serve their community and look forward to their contributions as members of the Traffic Board.
Very truly yours,
Yi-An Huang