City Acknowledges CSA Lawsuit Assertion
Last night, during the 10/24 City Council meeting, the City Manager publicly acknowledged the existence of the Traffic Board. The Traffic Commission, more commonly known as the Traffic Board, is included in the official city list of Boards and Commissions which was presented to the City Council. And, during the meeting, his office sent out a notice seeking applicants for the Traffic Board. A summary of the reaction to the Traffic Board discussion at last night’s meeting was covered by Cambridge Day.
As you know, CSA asserted in its pending lawsuit challenging the Cycling Safety Ordinance that citizens have been denied their rights to appeal decisions made by the Traffic Director because the city failed to keep the Traffic Board active.
Acknowledging the Traffic Board is an important step. What is puzzling is the need to recruit new members when the three members of the Traffic Board continue to be legal appointees due the “holdover” rules in Massachusetts.
Reactivating the Board is important because the city is in violation of a provision in its Traffic Regulations. The law requires appeals to be heard by the Traffic Board within two weeks of the date of filing. The petition appealing Brattle St. was signed by over 100 residents was filed with the city three weeks ago on September 29. The Garden Street petition signed by over 80 residents was filed October 17. Each petition asks the Board to revoke actions taken by the Traffic Director that will have profound long-term impacts on their neighborhoods and surrounding side streets.
Another provision of the law is that implementation of the proposed projects is to be suspended until the Traffic Board has reached a decision on a petition. This information is part of the City’s Traffic Regulations page 54.
CSA will continue to push the city to acknowledge and abide by all aspects of the Traffic Regulation as we continue to actively pursue legal remedy in the Superior Court. Please support our ongoing legal action by making a tax-exempt donation here as we continue the legal fight.