Hampshire St Project Drop In Meeting
Drop in to DPW Headquarters at 147 Hampshire St to see the latest (and most likely final) design for separated bike lanes which will be installed over the summer 2023.
Main Street Project Open House
Thursday, June 8, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., TPT will hold an open house at the plaza at the intersection of Main Street and Bishop Allen Drive. There will be no formal presentation.
Main St Project Open House
Open House at the Pisani Center at 131 Washington St. Free pizza will be provided for attendees. There will be no formal presentation and community members can drop in at any time.
2nd Main St Project Zoom Meeting
On Wednesday, May 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., TPT will hold the second community meeting for the Main Street Safety Improvement Project on Zoom. On the day of the webinar, you can join by clicking this link or by entering the Meeting ID 895 5491 4210 directly into Zoom. If you would like to listen by phone, call 929-436-2866 and enter Meeting ID 895 5491 4210. During the meeting, TPT will:
Share design options for adding quick-build separated bike lanes based on community feedback. To fit the bike lanes, TPT will remove a significant number of parking spaces. The design will show different options for parking and bike lanes on the street,
Summarize feedback received on the project so far,
Review background and planning information, including the Cycling Safety Ordinance, Cambridge Bicycle Network Vision, and the Vision Zero Action Plan, and
Give residents an opportunity to ask questions and provide your